Ever feel like your dog knows what you’re thinking? That’s not exactly the case – your dog may not understand that you’re upset because you had a really bad day at work today, but he is likely to stay close by and try to comfort you anyway. That’s because your dog understands your emotions, and is always responding to them.
It really is a case of not what you say, but how you say it. Shouting at your dog is never productive because dogs tend to interpret loud, emotional vocalizing as a sign of instability. Since your dog can’t understand the words, he can only respond to the tone – and the most likely response to shouting will be fear. A frightened dog is not going to respond the way you want him to.
By staying calm and in control with your dog at all times, you will reinforce your status with the dog as a leader – even when it’s your dog’s turn to reassure you, after a rough day.